Saturday, November 11, 2006

Cabbage 2: Immune-boosting soup

This soup is great on a cold day, but not just because it warms you up. It has loads of vitamin C, vitamin A, and even a natural antibiotic from the garlic. Based on the ingredients, I thought it might be bland, but it was very good!

1/2 head cabbage, shredded
2-3 carrots, shredded
1 onion, chopped
3-6 cloves garlic, crushed
4 cups chicken broth or 4 cups water + 2 tsp chicken bouillon
freshly ground pepper
herbs of your choice (I like rosemary)

Optional: chopped green pepper, chopped celery, sliced mushrooms cut green beans, can crushed tomatoes, 1 package onion soup mix...

Place vegetables in a large saucepan and cover with broth. Boil until cabbage begins to wilt. Remove from heat and add herbs and pepper. Cover and let cool. Reheat just before serving. Better the secodn day. Freezes well in Ziploc bags.

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