Sunday, August 12, 2007

Morning sunrise bread

Why call it Morning sunrise bread?
Well, I started making it in the morning. I let it rise out in the sun. And it's bread!

Makes two 9 x 5-inch loaves...or 1 large and 2 small ones

This bread recipe first appeared in the first JOY of COOKING edition in 1931. They said, "It is an even-grained all-purpose bread that stales slowly and cuts well for sandwiches." We said, "It's awesome!" Of course, I made a few adjustments, so this is my revised recipe.

Combine in a small saucepan and heat until warm (105° to 115°F):

1 cup milk
1 cup water
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon salt

Combine in a large bowl and let stand until the yeast is dissolved, about 5 minutes:

1/4 cup warm (105° to 115°F) water
1 package (2 1/4 teaspoons) active dry yeast

Have ready:
4 1/2 cups all-purpose or bread flour
2 cups whole wheat flour (I used a multigrain mix)

Add the lukewarm milk mixture to the dissolved yeast. Stir in 3 cups of the flour and beat 1 minute, then stir or work in 3 more cups flour. Toss the dough onto a floured board and knead until it is smooth, elastic, and full of bubbles, gradually adding more flour until the dough no longer sticks to your hands. Place the dough in a greased bowl, turn the dough over once, and cover with a cloth. Let rise in a warm place (75° to 85°F) until doubled in bulk, at least 1 hour.

Punch down the dough and, if time permits, allow it to rise until doubled once more, then punch it down again. Divide the dough in half, shape into 2 loaves, and place in greased 9 x 5-inch loaf pans. Brush with oil, then cover with a clean cloth and let rise again until almost doubled in bulk.
Preheat the oven to 450°F. Bake the bread 10 minutes. Reduce the heat to 350°F and bake about 30 minutes longer. Bake until the crust is golden brown and the bottom sounds hollow when tapped. Remove the loaves at once from the pans. Rub butter on the crusts, then cool completely on a rack.

1 comment:

  1. I can bake all sorts of yeasty goodness (pita bread, pizza dough, cinnamon rolls), but loaves of bread continue to fail me. I'll have to give this recipe a go.
