Thursday, December 20, 2007

Super easy roasted dinner for company

This is a great, delcious dinner that is so simple to make. You can put it together the night before and just move it from fridge to oven. Stir a few times and voila!

6 chicken legs
4 large potatoes (or 3 potatoes and a few turnips), cut in large cubes
6 carrots, sliced into thick rounds
6 onions, peeled and quatered
6 cloves garlic, peeled
Italian dressing (bottle or made from mix)
lemon (opt)
rosemary (opt)

Place veggies in a large baking dish. Pour Italian dressing over them - the amount is up to you. You want enough to moisten them well, but no need to drown them.

Place chicken on top of veggies and brush generously with dressing. Squeeze lemon over it all.

(If preparing for the next day, cover and refrigerate now.)

Bake in preheated oven at 350 degrees. Stir every 20 minutes or so. Add more dressing if veggies begin to dry out. Bake until veggies are soft with crisp edges and chicken is 180 degrees at thickest point. Sprinkle with salt and rosemary just before serving.

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