Saturday, May 17, 2008

Jana's tomato salad

My friend Jana introduced me to this popular summer salad. I jumped ahead a season and made it this weekend, using some surprisingly good early tomatoes from the market.

5 ripe tomatoes, rinsed (at romm temperature)
1 small purple onion
3-4 thin slices good quality mozzarella (or crumbled goat cheese)
balsamic vinegar
8-10 fresh basil leaves

Slice the tomatoes into wedges and place in a bowl. Cut the onion into thin rounds Crumbles the cheese on top. Sprinkle lightly with balsamic vinegar (maybe 2 tsp for starters). Using kitchen scissors, cut the basil into strips over the bowl. Top with a quick grind of pepper and little pinch of salt.

1 comment:

  1. how fun! i do love that salad. last summer, we ate it ALL the time, because we had so much basil in the garden. and tomatoes, too. this year, no garden yet :-(.
    i just made this spinach beet apple toasted walnut goat cheese red onion salad, and it was really good. well, patrick wouldn't eat it, but that's ok!
