Sunday, June 29, 2008

Summer zucchini (for Abby)

4-5 slender zucchini with firm ends, halved and sliced
1 small onion, thinly sliced into rings
2 tsp olive oil
freshly grated pepper to taste
salt to taste
5-10 fresh basil leaves

Heat olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add onions and zucchini, stirring to coat lightly. Cover and cook until bright green and just barely soft. You may need to add a little water (1-2 tsps) if it starts to stick. Stir every few minutes to cook evenly.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Using scissors, cut basil into thin strips over the zuicchini. Serve hot.


  1. Wow--you have gone crazy with the vegetarian-friendly-recipes-adapted for-living-France lately! Yahoo! Thanks!

  2. YAY!

    Love it! (And the title, of course.)


