Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sun-dried tomato and feta foccacia

Last weekend on our regular pizza night I made up a recipe and half of the dough and saved the extra for this foccacia for lunch the next day. After rising, punch out the air and wrap in two layers of plastic wrap then refrigerate. One hour before baking, remove from fridge and place in a well-oiled bowl to come to room temperature.

4-5 sun-dried tomatoes
2 Tbsp crumbled feta
2-3 cloves crushed garlic
3-4 sprigs fresh thym, or 1/4 tsp dried
olive oil
1/2 recipe pizza crust

Make crust as directed, omitting wheat bran, through first rise. Punch down and place on aluminum foil rubbed down with olive oil - don't be stingy! Pushing gently with fingertips, push the dough out into a rough circle or oval. The thickeness is up to you, but I find some variation makes a nice texture in the end. Brush the dough lightly with olive oil. Let the dough rise another 30 minutes as the oven heats to 400°. Top dough with tomatoes, feta, garlic and thym. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until just golden.

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