Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mom's wassail

Mix and heat in a large pot. Let simmer at least one hour before serving. This is delicious - We drink it by the gallon!

8 parts apple juice
4 parts pineapple juice
2 parts oj
1 part lemon juice
cinnamon sticks
whole cloves
sugar to taste


  1. I love this drink!!

  2. so THAT's what "wassail" means. who knew.

    hey someday can you post some recipes on how to make savory crepes at home? Like with ham, cheese, veggies, whatever in a baking dish? My husband LOVED those in france and we're having trouble duplicating it here in NC. your culinary input would be appreciated. :)

    (My word verification is 'eatig')

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM

    When I made it the other night guessing on quantities it was approximately equal parts of OJ, apple juice and pineapple juice, with a squirt of lemon juice - didn't need any sugar and added a little fresh ginger while heating...it was yummy!!
