Sunday, March 08, 2009

Snow-chilled peppermint bark

4 bars dark chocolate
4 bars white chocolate
4 candy canes
1 tsp peppermint extract

Break dark chocolate into pieces and melt slowly over a double boiler.

Pour into a greased or lined 11x13 pan. Cover and let cool outside in the snow (or fridge).

Now, break white chocolate into pieces and melt slowly over a double boiler.

Add peppermint extract to the white chocolate.

Unwrap the candy canes and put them in a plastic bag. Crush them into small pieces. Sift the pieces over the white chocolate so that the fine powder mixes in.

Pour the white chocolate over the cooled dark chocolate. Sprinkle with remaining candy cane pieces, pressing them in gently. Cover and cool.

The finished product!


  1. Mmmm. That looks divine, Kari.

  2. I seriously started drooling when I saw the pictures!

    And where did you get your blog background? I really like it!
