Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Grandgarden pasta with summer vegetables

After a quick trip to the garden, I had tomato, basil, zucchini and its blossoms to go along with the goat cheese and garlic from the market and the Chipolata left from breakfast. This is the result. The very yummy, fresh result.

4 small zuchinni, quartered and sliced
1-2 ripe tomatoes, chopped
4-5 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tsp olive oil
1 Chipolata sausage, cooked and sliced (opt)
4 zuchinni flowers, rinsed and sliced (opt)
fresh goat cheese (chèvre), crumbled
fresh basil, snipped
2-3 cups cooked pasta, hot

Heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Cook crushed garlic for one minute, then add zucchini and sausage. Cook, stirring frequently, until zucchini begins to soften. Add tomatoes and zuchinni flowers. Stir to mix and cook one minute. Taste and salt as needed. Cover and remove from heat.

Serve over hot pasta and top with goat cheese and basil.

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