Monday, September 28, 2009

Baked squash spring rolls

This was idea number 2 in the series 'How to use spring roll leftover wrappers'. Definitely a keeper. So good, and quick to make for lunch, appetizers or a snack. The filling is very versatile and you could play around with it according to what you have on hand. Shredded vegetables, herb for flavor, something creamy like the cheese and crème fraîche, and a little bit of bacon, ham or sausage for flavor.

2 small yellow squash, grated
2 small zucchini, grated
2 Tbsp chopped onion
2 Tbsp lardons (cubes of bacon)
freshly ground pepper
1 round goat cheese, crumbled
3-4 Tbsp cup crème fraîche (sour cream)
8-10 basil leaves, snipped

Frozen spring roll wrappers (egg-based, not rice), thawed

Cook the lardons with the onion in a frying pan over medium heat. Once the lardon have shrunk and the fat has cooked out, add the shredded zucchini. Cover and cook 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Drain off the liquid. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in crumbled goat cheese, crème fraîche and basil. This is your filling. It should hold together and not be runny. If it is, drain off the liquid.

Separate one spring roll wrapper from the stack. Scoop just under 1/4 cup of the filling onto one of the corners. Roll as shown in the video. Place on a baking stone or baking sheet, being sure the end is ucked underneath. Repeat until filling is used up.

Bake in preheated oven at 350° for 15 minutes. The edges will brown lightly and the wrappers will become crispy. Serve hot... maybe with Dijon mustard.

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