Thursday, February 04, 2010

Carrot pancakes

These are a favorite around here! Think pancakes with a hint of carrot cake or pumpkin pie... Yeah. they're good.

1 1/2 cups flour
3 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 cups milk
1 egg
3 tablespoons butter, melted
1/3 cup purée carrots

In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg, carrots and melted butter. Stir until just mixed and flour 'disappears'. Don't worry if it's a little lumpy.

Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot with maple syrup.


  1. For some reason I filled in a blank in the middle of this title, and could swear it said 'Carrot Cake Pancakes', but I still could go for these, and the oranges!

  2. Now this is one of your recipes I think I could actually manage. As I scroll down through your recipes, I'm thinking...."hmmm...I think I'd better start making a list of the ones that make my mouth water the most, and have Kari make these when they come to visit". But then I'm thinking you may want to make something totally new with ingredients you've not had easy access to for several years. But, we're going to have some photo shoots...unfortunately, it's not going to be a colorful time of year...but we'll find something. Ah...we may start off with your Butternut& Pumpkin Gratin with sausage. Just dreaming....
