Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Fancy-schmancy pigs in a blanket

2 bratwurst sausages, cooked
2-3 cups good sauerkraut
1 prepared pastry crust
Dijon mustard

Using a pizza cutter, slice the pastry crust into 8 triangles, each about the size of a small slice of pizza.

Cut the brats in half lengthwise and then again in the center to make 8 little brat-lets.

Place one brat-let on the thick end of each pastry triangle. Dot with Dijon, then put a scoop of sauerkraut (not too wet, so drain a second or two if needed) on top. Roll the brat-let and sauerkraut up in the dough, pinching the end to secure it, then place on a backing sheet.

Bake in pre-heated oven at 350° for 20-25 minutes or until pastry is browned.

1 comment:

  1. Now those DO look like little blankies wrapped around some sausage goodness...I knew someone out there could figure out how to make the pastry look more like my children's swaddling clothes!

    Yum on these!
